It is our duty to care for the earth that houses us. We must ensure nothing goes to waste unnecessarily. We must push to preserve the green around us and prevent harm to nature. We all know how plastics affect our environment.
This is the reason we use magazine papers and biodegradable brown paper to wrap DoxaSoft. We also offer refilling of the Tonique and Gelly bottles to our local clients. And NOW, we desire for all of our clients and customers to have opportunity to aid in our efforts. We ask a sanitized bottle shipback support from our online store customers. It is a BIG ask and a novel approach to recycling. We all care about our world and the state we will all, eventually, leave it. It is quite exciting and energizing if you will commit to help our community thrive in caring for the nature that cares for us.Â
As we are a small upcoming company and intensely individual focused, with limited resources, we are counting on your initiative and personal concern. It is an appeal to the do-gooder in all of us! We appreciate your consideration to make this happen.
What's in it for you? What's in it for us?Â
We hope to leave a better world for our children.
Thank you and let's be great doing!